Training to be a Leader...

Is it really necessary to have all this training to be a leader?

In a word: Yes.

We believe training is critical to delivering a solid program. It helps to level-set expectations and provide a common understanding of why we do what we do. We would like everyone in Troop 2008 to be engaged in some capacity - the quality of our program depends on it.

Online training can be completed at You will need to create an account. We are Boy Scout Troop 2008, Capitol Area Council (564), Northshore District.

We ask all parents to complete the following:

  • Youth Protection (online)
  • Fast Start - Boy Scouting (online)
  • This is Scouting (online)

We ask all parents to agree to be a Merit Badge Counselor for at least one Merit Badge. This requires the above training. You will need to complete an Adult Application.

If you are able to serve as a Committee Member or an Assistant Scoutmaster, you will need to complete a second Adult Application.

We ask our Committee Members to complete the following:

  • New Leader Essentials (online)
  • Troop Committee Challenge (online)
  • Weather Hazards (online)
  • Safe Swim Defense (online)
  • Safety Afloat (online)
  • Climb On Safely (online)

In addition to taking the training above, we ask our Assistant Scoutmasters (and any adults who desire to go camping with the Troop) to complete the following:

  • Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training (~12 hour class)
  • Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (Class, overnight trip)

These last two courses are critical to understanding how a Troop functions in the field. It is for this reason that we want all of our adult leaders who accompany our scouts into the field to be trained.

Two exceptions to this rule: 1) Our 'New Scout' campout in March (adults - sorry, no siblings), and 2) any campout designated as a 'family' campout - usually once each year. For both of these events, all adults attending must complete Youth Protection Training.