The Scoutmaster Conference

The Scoutmaster Conference - you may have had one when you were a Webelos and visited the Troop, you will have them as you advance through the ranks, and you may have them 'just because'...

So, what are they?

In a nutshell, a Scoutmaster Conference is nothing more than a conversation. It is an opportunity for you to have a conversation with the Scoutmaster when nothing else is going on. You'll probably be asked questions about what you like, about what you might want to see improved, about that activity you would really like to do...

All it is is a conversation....

At Troop 2008, we believe in mentoring. What is mentoring? Well, mentoring involves someone with more experience sharing that experience with someone who is less experienced. Why? because it helps the less experience individuals to become better. Better at what? Anything! A better leader. A better follower. A better cook. Better at getting along with others.

A Scoutmaster conference is part of that mentoring process. You have a chance to share. You also have a a chance to receive and reflect. Make sure you make the best of these opportunities.